Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to the new Socialism

So the powers that be have decided the only way to save our economy is to give away $787 billion to their favorite special interest groups. Nice.
Does anyone else remember during the presidential campaign when Obama promised his administration would be "open", "transparent" and "honest"? Or when he promised that all bills would be posted online for 5 days so everyone would have a chance to review them?
So why did this huge bill get forced through by the Dems who didn't even let Republicans in the room when they discussed the differences between the House and Senate bills?

And this isn't the first. He's already broken his "Sunlight Before Signing" promise on a few other bills-The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay act and the S-Chip update. Now his excuse is that this is an "emergency" bill so it doesn't count. The other 2 were not emergencies but they don't count either. And if it was such an "emergency" to pass this bill to save our economy why did he wait several days to sign it, and more importantly, why does most of the "emergency" spending not take place for at least a year, if not longer. How does putting off spending stimulate the economy?

How about this Mr. President
- Stop lying to us, you've been doing that long enough and you've only been in office a few weeks.
- Stop telling us your administration is so pure and honest when from the looks of things you can't even hire people that obey the law and pay their taxes.
- Stop taking OUR money because you think you know how to spend it better than we do.
- Stop trying to socialize our nation.

Look, even though you did a good job of not having a paper trail during your entire adult life or actually voting on anything of substance we can still piece together enough to realize you are a Marxist. (Karl, not Groucho. Though with your cabinet choices it's getting harder to tell)
Sadly you've got most of the news media too enthralled or scared to ask any hard questions or do any actual investigative reporting so it will probably be a long time before the great majority of Americans realize what you are doing.

Hopefully it won't be too late.

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